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Welcome to Run On Carry On, a blog dedicated to the intersection of travel and training.

To be transparent, we are two working professionals with two salaries and no kids (DINK – Dual Income No Kids) so we are able to prioritize travel within our overall family budget. We make our travel budget go a little further as Patrick likes to “churn” and leverage credit card travel perks as well. While international travel is our main focus, we found a love of domestic road trips during 2020. Our primary goals are to travel to far flung areas while we are young (Nepal, South East Asia, etc.) and save more of the “easy” travel places for when we are older and have more responsibilities.

Where in the world has ROCO been?

Get to know us


Allie is the main ROCO writer and serves as the resident athlete extraordinaire. She is known to get in 18mi runs on a hotel treadmill before Patrick wakes up and also teaches yoga in Dallas, TX.

Next race: Tour Des Fleurs– Half Marathon

Curious about travel to: Brazil & Argentina (RIP 2020)


Big heart and bigger travel plans. He is the ROCO travel agent, itinerary builder extraordinaire. His research is legendary and he is known to have itineraries scheduled out by the hour.

Next race: Tour des Fleurs – Quarter Marathon

Curious about travel to: South East Asia


“Fast and Curious” Reus is a marathoner mutt who loves long runs around White Rock Lake, He frequently logs 25 mile weeks, with his longest run being 14 miles. He is actively anti-travel since he always ends up in boarding!